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Please contact us!

About Us

As state-certified alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy with diverse training and further education – and our own path of development – we have a wealth of helpful methods and experiences at our disposal, which we use in individual accompaniment, group work and seminars.
The experience of being much more than two people as a couple is a gift that we also like to pass on in our therapy work with couples.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Clarity and naturalness distinguish me as a medium. My sensitivity and clairvoyance are very pronounced and intensively trained over many years through my work as a medium. I offer sessions in German and English. As a healing practitioner for psychotherapy, I also offer you therapeutically support in your process of growth and development.

Meru Sebastian Seitler

As a state-certified alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, I support you in an acute crisis as well as in your personal development. For this I offer individual work and group seminars.
I am available to companies and organizations as a consultant for professional conflict management.

Our Work

Humans are wonderful complex energetic beings. By giving healing impulse to the energetic body of a human being it is possible to treat trauma, fear, depression, illness and any kind of disharmony.
Modern therapeutic work uses various resources for helping people to get back to their true nature.

READING – a clairvoyant consultation with clear quality


We are all connected to the Divine, to an inner wisdom guiding us. This inner voice is subtle and caring, however, we are not always in touch with it in a clear and ongoing way. When we are under pressure it is easy for us to get out of touch with our inner guidance. We lose our inner strength and feel disoriented and lost. In these situations a reading can be helpful.

Being a medium I have the ability to read your inner voice of wisdom and to make it audible for you. Listening to your own truth being expressed will have a deep impact. You feel reconnected with your own power of perception. The answers you hear make deep sense and you regain clarity and strength. Many clients describe that they feel inwardly cleansed, strengthened and capable of acting as a result of a reading. You can ask questions about all areas of life such as relationships, health and career, but also about your personal development and the spiritual dimension of your life.

READING SALON – Exploring our outer and inner life 

The idea of the Reading Salon originates from Berlin where the cultural, literature and art circles and salons had their height during the 1920ies. Why not  launch a medial salon online?

The Reading Salon is a place to ask personal life questions. Our coming together serves to explore and recognize our outer and inner life. The mystical depth of the Reading Salon lies in the fact that questions of everyday life are viewed and answered from a higher level. A new perspective is opened and the deeper meaning of the situation or challenge is revealed. This allows us to experience how life serves us and that it is by our side right now.

Each Reading Salon is unique, because its content is created by the questions that are asked in this “random” group that evening. The special enrichment for the participant often lies precisely in the questions that are asked by the others. Each answer has the potential to serve all, and so a Reading Salon is a place of shared discovery and learning. This is evident in the amazing sense of connection that can occur in a Reading Salon.

Coming together via Zoom allows people from all parts of the world, but also while traveling, to participate.

My therapeutic work – development instead of entanglement 


In my practice you can expect a compassionate and benevolent atmosphere and the attitude of equality. This is the basis of my work with people.

The concept of “integrative psychotherapy” in connection with systemic and transpersonal aspects describes my methodical approach.

For my counseling this means that I accompany you in the process of liberation from entanglements of origin and the burden of imprinting into your own potential of your natural being.

My qualified training enables me to take a medical history according to the ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Rarely my clients are mentally ill, but are in life conflicts and crises in which it is important to find meaning, to grow and to develop.

From my own life as a human being, husband, partner and father, I know that these processes will occur until the end of my life and that it is not about not having problems anymore, but about finding a stable place within myself that is peaceful, loving and alive.

In my work, your individual needs and possibilities and the necessary therapeutic tools are combined to create a customized support.
It is important to me that through our work you develop learning experiences you can use in your everyday life and that really support you.


I can help you professionally with these issues

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Life crisis
  • Relationship conflict
  • Sexuality
  • Parting, Divorce
  • Loss and grief
  • Spiritual search for meaning
  • Growth and development

CONSTELLATION WORK with Meru Sebastian Seitler



Family Constellation Work

All human beings are born into a pre-existing web of experiences and information from their ancestors. This heritage can have a burdening effect on our lives. For a happy and fulfilled life, we need to leave these conditionings behind. In my view, this is best done through exploration and integration. Systemic work is excellent for this. The group enables the individual to gain deep insights into his or her system and as an experienced constellation leader I have the ability to read a system in such a way that I can give impulses on how to bring the system back into harmonious order.

As a living method, my constellation work has continued to evolve over the years. Life areas such as work, health, relationships, personal growth and development are essential topics of the participants in my workshops .

The opportunity to explore a theme in a group nourishes the human need for connection and belonging. The success of this is evidenced by the fact that participants often experience a strong opening of the heart and a sense of connection and equality.


Chakra Constellation Work

The method of chakra constellation that I have developed is based on the fundamental knowledge that we humans are energetic beings. This means that we not only have a body made of bones and muscles, which is supplied by blood circulation and metabolic processes, but that we also have an energetic body consisting of seven main energy centers in our physical body. The centers are called chakras and are located in specific places in the body. The chakras have very specific qualities and are expressions of different areas of life such as life force, relationships, or creative self-expression.

In the chakra constellation work, the participant can experience his or her energy centers and the qualities associated with them. At the same time, disturbances and conflicts of the respective areas of life become visible, which can then be changed through the constellation work.

The result of this work is the experience of wholeness, strength and flow.

If you feel addressed to make a new experience about your own being and there are life issues where you want to develop further, this workshop is right for you.



Even as a boy I liked being in churches. Preferably in catholic churches since I loved the smell of incense they used on religious holidays. When I grew older and became more aware of other people, it became obvious to me that something was missing. I missed liveliness, spontaneity and the real. The rituals were nice but also somehow hollow. This changed when I met teachers on my path who could give rise to ceremonies out of a ritual. After those experiences the feeling of  missing something never showed up inside again. Eventually people came up to me and asked me if I could hold a ceremony for them. Since then I have been holding ceremonies for child baptisms, initiations for teenagers, weddings, funerals, sweat lodges and midsummer. It was always wonderful, exciting, new and enriching for everybody. Angaangagq, a shaman of Greenland, says: “the entire life is a ceremony, celebrate it!”  So I am celebrating with you on demand.


Here you can find the dates of upcoming seminars Current dates you find here.
For individual sessions please contact us. We work in person, via Skype or telephone.
  • ENGLISH READINGSALON via ZOOM Date: Sunday, 15th MayTime: 11AM PCT / 2 PM EST ( 2 hours)Registration: shunya@shunya-meru.deContribution: $ 30.- I am very happy to offer this first ReadingSalon for all e...

  • Counceling is offered by phone, skype and onsite in our office in Bad Wurzach. For appointments call 0049-170-5876854 or mail to meru@shunya-meru.de...

 It is the great blessing of our time that there is the sun
that shines day and night

It is the sun of Grace, Love and Self-realization


For more than 25 years we support people in returning to their natural and harmonious state of being. And yet we do not consider ourselves as the ones who are doing it.


Please contact us, we are happy to hear from you.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Meru Sebastian Seitler

Reischberghalde 10

88410 Bad Wurzach




Schloßstr. 1

88410 Bad Wurzach


Contact Shunya Riesch-Seitler

+49 (0) 1728991847

Contact Meru Sebastian Seitler

Sebastian Seitler
+49 (0) 1705876854

[wpgmza id=”1″]

Please contact us!

About Us

As state-certified alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy with diverse training and further education – and our own path of development – we have a wealth of helpful methods and experiences at our disposal, which we use in individual accompaniment, group work and seminars.
The experience of being much more than two people as a couple is a gift that we also like to pass on in our therapy work with couples.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Clarity and naturalness distinguish me as a medium. My sensitivity and clairvoyance are very pronounced and intensively trained over many years through my work as a medium. I offer sessions in German and English. As a healing practitioner for psychotherapy, I also offer you therapeutically support in your process of growth and development.

Meru Sebastian Seitler

As a state-certified alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, I support you in an acute crisis as well as in your personal development. For this I offer individual work and group seminars.
I am available to companies and organizations as a consultant for professional conflict management.

Our Work

Humans are wonderful complex energetic beings. By giving healing impulse to the energetic body of a human being it is possible to treat trauma, fear, depression, illness and any kind of disharmony.
Modern therapeutic work uses various resources for helping people to get back to their true nature.

READING – a clairvoyant consultation with clear quality


We are all connected to the Divine, to an inner wisdom guiding us. This inner voice is subtle and caring, however, we are not always in touch with it in a clear and ongoing way. When we are under pressure it is easy for us to get out of touch with our inner guidance. We lose our inner strength and feel disoriented and lost. In these situations a reading can be helpful.

Being a medium I have the ability to read your inner voice of wisdom and to make it audible for you. Listening to your own truth being expressed will have a deep impact. You feel reconnected with your own power of perception. The answers you hear make deep sense and you regain clarity and strength. Many clients describe that they feel inwardly cleansed, strengthened and capable of acting as a result of a reading. You can ask questions about all areas of life such as relationships, health and career, but also about your personal development and the spiritual dimension of your life.

READING SALON – Exploring our outer and inner life 

The idea of the Reading Salon originates from Berlin where the cultural, literature and art circles and salons had their height during the 1920ies. Why not  launch a medial salon online?

The Reading Salon is a place to ask personal life questions. Our coming together serves to explore and recognize our outer and inner life. The mystical depth of the Reading Salon lies in the fact that questions of everyday life are viewed and answered from a higher level. A new perspective is opened and the deeper meaning of the situation or challenge is revealed. This allows us to experience how life serves us and that it is by our side right now.

Each Reading Salon is unique, because its content is created by the questions that are asked in this “random” group that evening. The special enrichment for the participant often lies precisely in the questions that are asked by the others. Each answer has the potential to serve all, and so a Reading Salon is a place of shared discovery and learning. This is evident in the amazing sense of connection that can occur in a Reading Salon.

Coming together via Zoom allows people from all parts of the world, but also while traveling, to participate.

My therapeutic work – development instead of entanglement 


In my practice you can expect a compassionate and benevolent atmosphere and the attitude of equality. This is the basis of my work with people.

The concept of “integrative psychotherapy” in connection with systemic and transpersonal aspects describes my methodical approach.

For my counseling this means that I accompany you in the process of liberation from entanglements of origin and the burden of imprinting into your own potential of your natural being.

My qualified training enables me to take a medical history according to the ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Rarely my clients are mentally ill, but are in life conflicts and crises in which it is important to find meaning, to grow and to develop.

From my own life as a human being, husband, partner and father, I know that these processes will occur until the end of my life and that it is not about not having problems anymore, but about finding a stable place within myself that is peaceful, loving and alive.

In my work, your individual needs and possibilities and the necessary therapeutic tools are combined to create a customized support.
It is important to me that through our work you develop learning experiences you can use in your everyday life and that really support you.


I can help you professionally with these issues

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Life crisis
  • Relationship conflict
  • Sexuality
  • Parting, Divorce
  • Loss and grief
  • Spiritual search for meaning
  • Growth and development

CONSTELLATION WORK with Meru Sebastian Seitler



Family Constellation Work

All human beings are born into a pre-existing web of experiences and information from their ancestors. This heritage can have a burdening effect on our lives. For a happy and fulfilled life, we need to leave these conditionings behind. In my view, this is best done through exploration and integration. Systemic work is excellent for this. The group enables the individual to gain deep insights into his or her system and as an experienced constellation leader I have the ability to read a system in such a way that I can give impulses on how to bring the system back into harmonious order.

As a living method, my constellation work has continued to evolve over the years. Life areas such as work, health, relationships, personal growth and development are essential topics of the participants in my workshops .

The opportunity to explore a theme in a group nourishes the human need for connection and belonging. The success of this is evidenced by the fact that participants often experience a strong opening of the heart and a sense of connection and equality.


Chakra Constellation Work

The method of chakra constellation that I have developed is based on the fundamental knowledge that we humans are energetic beings. This means that we not only have a body made of bones and muscles, which is supplied by blood circulation and metabolic processes, but that we also have an energetic body consisting of seven main energy centers in our physical body. The centers are called chakras and are located in specific places in the body. The chakras have very specific qualities and are expressions of different areas of life such as life force, relationships, or creative self-expression.

In the chakra constellation work, the participant can experience his or her energy centers and the qualities associated with them. At the same time, disturbances and conflicts of the respective areas of life become visible, which can then be changed through the constellation work.

The result of this work is the experience of wholeness, strength and flow.

If you feel addressed to make a new experience about your own being and there are life issues where you want to develop further, this workshop is right for you.



Even as a boy I liked being in churches. Preferably in catholic churches since I loved the smell of incense they used on religious holidays. When I grew older and became more aware of other people, it became obvious to me that something was missing. I missed liveliness, spontaneity and the real. The rituals were nice but also somehow hollow. This changed when I met teachers on my path who could give rise to ceremonies out of a ritual. After those experiences the feeling of  missing something never showed up inside again. Eventually people came up to me and asked me if I could hold a ceremony for them. Since then I have been holding ceremonies for child baptisms, initiations for teenagers, weddings, funerals, sweat lodges and midsummer. It was always wonderful, exciting, new and enriching for everybody. Angaangagq, a shaman of Greenland, says: “the entire life is a ceremony, celebrate it!”  So I am celebrating with you on demand.


Here you can find the dates of upcoming seminars Current dates you find here.
For individual sessions please contact us. We work in person, via Skype or telephone.
  • ENGLISH READINGSALON via ZOOM Date: Sunday, 15th MayTime: 11AM PCT / 2 PM EST ( 2 hours)Registration: shunya@shunya-meru.deContribution: $ 30.- I am very happy to offer this first ReadingSalon for all e...

  • Counceling is offered by phone, skype and onsite in our office in Bad Wurzach. For appointments call 0049-170-5876854 or mail to meru@shunya-meru.de...

 It is the great blessing of our time that there is the sun
that shines day and night

It is the sun of Grace, Love and Self-realization


For more than 25 years we support people in returning to their natural and harmonious state of being. And yet we do not consider ourselves as the ones who are doing it.


Please contact us, we are happy to hear from you.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Meru Sebastian Seitler

Reischberghalde 10

88410 Bad Wurzach




Schloßstr. 1

88410 Bad Wurzach


Contact Shunya Riesch-Seitler

+49 (0) 1728991847

Contact Meru Sebastian Seitler

Sebastian Seitler
+49 (0) 1705876854

[wpgmza id=”1″]

Please contact us!

About Us

As state-certified alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy with diverse training and further education – and our own path of development – we have a wealth of helpful methods and experiences at our disposal, which we use in individual accompaniment, group work and seminars.
The experience of being much more than two people as a couple is a gift that we also like to pass on in our therapy work with couples.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Clarity and naturalness distinguish me as a medium. My sensitivity and clairvoyance are very pronounced and intensively trained over many years through my work as a medium. I offer sessions in German and English. As a healing practitioner for psychotherapy, I also offer you therapeutically support in your process of growth and development.

Meru Sebastian Seitler

As a state-certified alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, I support you in an acute crisis as well as in your personal development. For this I offer individual work and group seminars.
I am available to companies and organizations as a consultant for professional conflict management.

Our Work

Humans are wonderful complex energetic beings. By giving healing impulse to the energetic body of a human being it is possible to treat trauma, fear, depression, illness and any kind of disharmony.
Modern therapeutic work uses various resources for helping people to get back to their true nature.

READING – a clairvoyant consultation with clear quality


We are all connected to the Divine, to an inner wisdom guiding us. This inner voice is subtle and caring, however, we are not always in touch with it in a clear and ongoing way. When we are under pressure it is easy for us to get out of touch with our inner guidance. We lose our inner strength and feel disoriented and lost. In these situations a reading can be helpful.

Being a medium I have the ability to read your inner voice of wisdom and to make it audible for you. Listening to your own truth being expressed will have a deep impact. You feel reconnected with your own power of perception. The answers you hear make deep sense and you regain clarity and strength. Many clients describe that they feel inwardly cleansed, strengthened and capable of acting as a result of a reading. You can ask questions about all areas of life such as relationships, health and career, but also about your personal development and the spiritual dimension of your life.

READING SALON – Exploring our outer and inner life 

The idea of the Reading Salon originates from Berlin where the cultural, literature and art circles and salons had their height during the 1920ies. Why not  launch a medial salon online?

The Reading Salon is a place to ask personal life questions. Our coming together serves to explore and recognize our outer and inner life. The mystical depth of the Reading Salon lies in the fact that questions of everyday life are viewed and answered from a higher level. A new perspective is opened and the deeper meaning of the situation or challenge is revealed. This allows us to experience how life serves us and that it is by our side right now.

Each Reading Salon is unique, because its content is created by the questions that are asked in this “random” group that evening. The special enrichment for the participant often lies precisely in the questions that are asked by the others. Each answer has the potential to serve all, and so a Reading Salon is a place of shared discovery and learning. This is evident in the amazing sense of connection that can occur in a Reading Salon.

Coming together via Zoom allows people from all parts of the world, but also while traveling, to participate.

My therapeutic work – development instead of entanglement 


In my practice you can expect a compassionate and benevolent atmosphere and the attitude of equality. This is the basis of my work with people.

The concept of “integrative psychotherapy” in connection with systemic and transpersonal aspects describes my methodical approach.

For my counseling this means that I accompany you in the process of liberation from entanglements of origin and the burden of imprinting into your own potential of your natural being.

My qualified training enables me to take a medical history according to the ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Rarely my clients are mentally ill, but are in life conflicts and crises in which it is important to find meaning, to grow and to develop.

From my own life as a human being, husband, partner and father, I know that these processes will occur until the end of my life and that it is not about not having problems anymore, but about finding a stable place within myself that is peaceful, loving and alive.

In my work, your individual needs and possibilities and the necessary therapeutic tools are combined to create a customized support.
It is important to me that through our work you develop learning experiences you can use in your everyday life and that really support you.


I can help you professionally with these issues

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Life crisis
  • Relationship conflict
  • Sexuality
  • Parting, Divorce
  • Loss and grief
  • Spiritual search for meaning
  • Growth and development

CONSTELLATION WORK with Meru Sebastian Seitler



Family Constellation Work

All human beings are born into a pre-existing web of experiences and information from their ancestors. This heritage can have a burdening effect on our lives. For a happy and fulfilled life, we need to leave these conditionings behind. In my view, this is best done through exploration and integration. Systemic work is excellent for this. The group enables the individual to gain deep insights into his or her system and as an experienced constellation leader I have the ability to read a system in such a way that I can give impulses on how to bring the system back into harmonious order.

As a living method, my constellation work has continued to evolve over the years. Life areas such as work, health, relationships, personal growth and development are essential topics of the participants in my workshops .

The opportunity to explore a theme in a group nourishes the human need for connection and belonging. The success of this is evidenced by the fact that participants often experience a strong opening of the heart and a sense of connection and equality.


Chakra Constellation Work

The method of chakra constellation that I have developed is based on the fundamental knowledge that we humans are energetic beings. This means that we not only have a body made of bones and muscles, which is supplied by blood circulation and metabolic processes, but that we also have an energetic body consisting of seven main energy centers in our physical body. The centers are called chakras and are located in specific places in the body. The chakras have very specific qualities and are expressions of different areas of life such as life force, relationships, or creative self-expression.

In the chakra constellation work, the participant can experience his or her energy centers and the qualities associated with them. At the same time, disturbances and conflicts of the respective areas of life become visible, which can then be changed through the constellation work.

The result of this work is the experience of wholeness, strength and flow.

If you feel addressed to make a new experience about your own being and there are life issues where you want to develop further, this workshop is right for you.



Even as a boy I liked being in churches. Preferably in catholic churches since I loved the smell of incense they used on religious holidays. When I grew older and became more aware of other people, it became obvious to me that something was missing. I missed liveliness, spontaneity and the real. The rituals were nice but also somehow hollow. This changed when I met teachers on my path who could give rise to ceremonies out of a ritual. After those experiences the feeling of  missing something never showed up inside again. Eventually people came up to me and asked me if I could hold a ceremony for them. Since then I have been holding ceremonies for child baptisms, initiations for teenagers, weddings, funerals, sweat lodges and midsummer. It was always wonderful, exciting, new and enriching for everybody. Angaangagq, a shaman of Greenland, says: “the entire life is a ceremony, celebrate it!”  So I am celebrating with you on demand.


Here you can find the dates of upcoming seminars Current dates you find here.
For individual sessions please contact us. We work in person, via Skype or telephone.
  • ENGLISH READINGSALON via ZOOM Date: Sunday, 15th MayTime: 11AM PCT / 2 PM EST ( 2 hours)Registration: shunya@shunya-meru.deContribution: $ 30.- I am very happy to offer this first ReadingSalon for all e...

  • Counceling is offered by phone, skype and onsite in our office in Bad Wurzach. For appointments call 0049-170-5876854 or mail to meru@shunya-meru.de...

 It is the great blessing of our time that there is the sun
that shines day and night

It is the sun of Grace, Love and Self-realization


For more than 25 years we support people in returning to their natural and harmonious state of being. And yet we do not consider ourselves as the ones who are doing it.


Please contact us, we are happy to hear from you.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Meru Sebastian Seitler

Reischberghalde 10

88410 Bad Wurzach




Schloßstr. 1

88410 Bad Wurzach


Contact Shunya Riesch-Seitler

+49 (0) 1728991847

Contact Meru Sebastian Seitler

Sebastian Seitler
+49 (0) 1705876854

[wpgmza id=”1″]

Please contact us!

About Us

As state-certified alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy with diverse training and further education – and our own path of development – we have a wealth of helpful methods and experiences at our disposal, which we use in individual accompaniment, group work and seminars.
The experience of being much more than two people as a couple is a gift that we also like to pass on in our therapy work with couples.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Clarity and naturalness distinguish me as a medium. My sensitivity and clairvoyance are very pronounced and intensively trained over many years through my work as a medium. I offer sessions in German and English. As a healing practitioner for psychotherapy, I also offer you therapeutically support in your process of growth and development.

Meru Sebastian Seitler

As a state-certified alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, I support you in an acute crisis as well as in your personal development. For this I offer individual work and group seminars.
I am available to companies and organizations as a consultant for professional conflict management.

Our Work

Humans are wonderful complex energetic beings. By giving healing impulse to the energetic body of a human being it is possible to treat trauma, fear, depression, illness and any kind of disharmony.
Modern therapeutic work uses various resources for helping people to get back to their true nature.

READING – a clairvoyant consultation with clear quality


We are all connected to the Divine, to an inner wisdom guiding us. This inner voice is subtle and caring, however, we are not always in touch with it in a clear and ongoing way. When we are under pressure it is easy for us to get out of touch with our inner guidance. We lose our inner strength and feel disoriented and lost. In these situations a reading can be helpful.

Being a medium I have the ability to read your inner voice of wisdom and to make it audible for you. Listening to your own truth being expressed will have a deep impact. You feel reconnected with your own power of perception. The answers you hear make deep sense and you regain clarity and strength. Many clients describe that they feel inwardly cleansed, strengthened and capable of acting as a result of a reading. You can ask questions about all areas of life such as relationships, health and career, but also about your personal development and the spiritual dimension of your life.

READING SALON – Exploring our outer and inner life 

The idea of the Reading Salon originates from Berlin where the cultural, literature and art circles and salons had their height during the 1920ies. Why not  launch a medial salon online?

The Reading Salon is a place to ask personal life questions. Our coming together serves to explore and recognize our outer and inner life. The mystical depth of the Reading Salon lies in the fact that questions of everyday life are viewed and answered from a higher level. A new perspective is opened and the deeper meaning of the situation or challenge is revealed. This allows us to experience how life serves us and that it is by our side right now.

Each Reading Salon is unique, because its content is created by the questions that are asked in this “random” group that evening. The special enrichment for the participant often lies precisely in the questions that are asked by the others. Each answer has the potential to serve all, and so a Reading Salon is a place of shared discovery and learning. This is evident in the amazing sense of connection that can occur in a Reading Salon.

Coming together via Zoom allows people from all parts of the world, but also while traveling, to participate.

My therapeutic work – development instead of entanglement 


In my practice you can expect a compassionate and benevolent atmosphere and the attitude of equality. This is the basis of my work with people.

The concept of “integrative psychotherapy” in connection with systemic and transpersonal aspects describes my methodical approach.

For my counseling this means that I accompany you in the process of liberation from entanglements of origin and the burden of imprinting into your own potential of your natural being.

My qualified training enables me to take a medical history according to the ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Rarely my clients are mentally ill, but are in life conflicts and crises in which it is important to find meaning, to grow and to develop.

From my own life as a human being, husband, partner and father, I know that these processes will occur until the end of my life and that it is not about not having problems anymore, but about finding a stable place within myself that is peaceful, loving and alive.

In my work, your individual needs and possibilities and the necessary therapeutic tools are combined to create a customized support.
It is important to me that through our work you develop learning experiences you can use in your everyday life and that really support you.


I can help you professionally with these issues

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Life crisis
  • Relationship conflict
  • Sexuality
  • Parting, Divorce
  • Loss and grief
  • Spiritual search for meaning
  • Growth and development

CONSTELLATION WORK with Meru Sebastian Seitler



Family Constellation Work

All human beings are born into a pre-existing web of experiences and information from their ancestors. This heritage can have a burdening effect on our lives. For a happy and fulfilled life, we need to leave these conditionings behind. In my view, this is best done through exploration and integration. Systemic work is excellent for this. The group enables the individual to gain deep insights into his or her system and as an experienced constellation leader I have the ability to read a system in such a way that I can give impulses on how to bring the system back into harmonious order.

As a living method, my constellation work has continued to evolve over the years. Life areas such as work, health, relationships, personal growth and development are essential topics of the participants in my workshops .

The opportunity to explore a theme in a group nourishes the human need for connection and belonging. The success of this is evidenced by the fact that participants often experience a strong opening of the heart and a sense of connection and equality.


Chakra Constellation Work

The method of chakra constellation that I have developed is based on the fundamental knowledge that we humans are energetic beings. This means that we not only have a body made of bones and muscles, which is supplied by blood circulation and metabolic processes, but that we also have an energetic body consisting of seven main energy centers in our physical body. The centers are called chakras and are located in specific places in the body. The chakras have very specific qualities and are expressions of different areas of life such as life force, relationships, or creative self-expression.

In the chakra constellation work, the participant can experience his or her energy centers and the qualities associated with them. At the same time, disturbances and conflicts of the respective areas of life become visible, which can then be changed through the constellation work.

The result of this work is the experience of wholeness, strength and flow.

If you feel addressed to make a new experience about your own being and there are life issues where you want to develop further, this workshop is right for you.



Even as a boy I liked being in churches. Preferably in catholic churches since I loved the smell of incense they used on religious holidays. When I grew older and became more aware of other people, it became obvious to me that something was missing. I missed liveliness, spontaneity and the real. The rituals were nice but also somehow hollow. This changed when I met teachers on my path who could give rise to ceremonies out of a ritual. After those experiences the feeling of  missing something never showed up inside again. Eventually people came up to me and asked me if I could hold a ceremony for them. Since then I have been holding ceremonies for child baptisms, initiations for teenagers, weddings, funerals, sweat lodges and midsummer. It was always wonderful, exciting, new and enriching for everybody. Angaangagq, a shaman of Greenland, says: “the entire life is a ceremony, celebrate it!”  So I am celebrating with you on demand.


Here you can find the dates of upcoming seminars Current dates you find here.
For individual sessions please contact us. We work in person, via Skype or telephone.
  • ENGLISH READINGSALON via ZOOM Date: Sunday, 15th MayTime: 11AM PCT / 2 PM EST ( 2 hours)Registration: shunya@shunya-meru.deContribution: $ 30.- I am very happy to offer this first ReadingSalon for all e...

  • Counceling is offered by phone, skype and onsite in our office in Bad Wurzach. For appointments call 0049-170-5876854 or mail to meru@shunya-meru.de...

 It is the great blessing of our time that there is the sun
that shines day and night

It is the sun of Grace, Love and Self-realization


For more than 25 years we support people in returning to their natural and harmonious state of being. And yet we do not consider ourselves as the ones who are doing it.


Please contact us, we are happy to hear from you.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Meru Sebastian Seitler

Reischberghalde 10

88410 Bad Wurzach




Schloßstr. 1

88410 Bad Wurzach


Contact Shunya Riesch-Seitler

+49 (0) 1728991847

Contact Meru Sebastian Seitler

Sebastian Seitler
+49 (0) 1705876854

[wpgmza id=”1″]

Please contact us!

About Us

As state-certified alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy with diverse training and further education – and our own path of development – we have a wealth of helpful methods and experiences at our disposal, which we use in individual accompaniment, group work and seminars.
The experience of being much more than two people as a couple is a gift that we also like to pass on in our therapy work with couples.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Clarity and naturalness distinguish me as a medium. My sensitivity and clairvoyance are very pronounced and intensively trained over many years through my work as a medium. I offer sessions in German and English. As a healing practitioner for psychotherapy, I also offer you therapeutically support in your process of growth and development.

Meru Sebastian Seitler

As a state-certified alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, I support you in an acute crisis as well as in your personal development. For this I offer individual work and group seminars.
I am available to companies and organizations as a consultant for professional conflict management.

Our Work

Humans are wonderful complex energetic beings. By giving healing impulse to the energetic body of a human being it is possible to treat trauma, fear, depression, illness and any kind of disharmony.
Modern therapeutic work uses various resources for helping people to get back to their true nature.

READING – a clairvoyant consultation with clear quality


We are all connected to the Divine, to an inner wisdom guiding us. This inner voice is subtle and caring, however, we are not always in touch with it in a clear and ongoing way. When we are under pressure it is easy for us to get out of touch with our inner guidance. We lose our inner strength and feel disoriented and lost. In these situations a reading can be helpful.

Being a medium I have the ability to read your inner voice of wisdom and to make it audible for you. Listening to your own truth being expressed will have a deep impact. You feel reconnected with your own power of perception. The answers you hear make deep sense and you regain clarity and strength. Many clients describe that they feel inwardly cleansed, strengthened and capable of acting as a result of a reading. You can ask questions about all areas of life such as relationships, health and career, but also about your personal development and the spiritual dimension of your life.

READING SALON – Exploring our outer and inner life 

The idea of the Reading Salon originates from Berlin where the cultural, literature and art circles and salons had their height during the 1920ies. Why not  launch a medial salon online?

The Reading Salon is a place to ask personal life questions. Our coming together serves to explore and recognize our outer and inner life. The mystical depth of the Reading Salon lies in the fact that questions of everyday life are viewed and answered from a higher level. A new perspective is opened and the deeper meaning of the situation or challenge is revealed. This allows us to experience how life serves us and that it is by our side right now.

Each Reading Salon is unique, because its content is created by the questions that are asked in this “random” group that evening. The special enrichment for the participant often lies precisely in the questions that are asked by the others. Each answer has the potential to serve all, and so a Reading Salon is a place of shared discovery and learning. This is evident in the amazing sense of connection that can occur in a Reading Salon.

Coming together via Zoom allows people from all parts of the world, but also while traveling, to participate.

My therapeutic work – development instead of entanglement 


In my practice you can expect a compassionate and benevolent atmosphere and the attitude of equality. This is the basis of my work with people.

The concept of “integrative psychotherapy” in connection with systemic and transpersonal aspects describes my methodical approach.

For my counseling this means that I accompany you in the process of liberation from entanglements of origin and the burden of imprinting into your own potential of your natural being.

My qualified training enables me to take a medical history according to the ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Rarely my clients are mentally ill, but are in life conflicts and crises in which it is important to find meaning, to grow and to develop.

From my own life as a human being, husband, partner and father, I know that these processes will occur until the end of my life and that it is not about not having problems anymore, but about finding a stable place within myself that is peaceful, loving and alive.

In my work, your individual needs and possibilities and the necessary therapeutic tools are combined to create a customized support.
It is important to me that through our work you develop learning experiences you can use in your everyday life and that really support you.


I can help you professionally with these issues

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Life crisis
  • Relationship conflict
  • Sexuality
  • Parting, Divorce
  • Loss and grief
  • Spiritual search for meaning
  • Growth and development

CONSTELLATION WORK with Meru Sebastian Seitler



Family Constellation Work

All human beings are born into a pre-existing web of experiences and information from their ancestors. This heritage can have a burdening effect on our lives. For a happy and fulfilled life, we need to leave these conditionings behind. In my view, this is best done through exploration and integration. Systemic work is excellent for this. The group enables the individual to gain deep insights into his or her system and as an experienced constellation leader I have the ability to read a system in such a way that I can give impulses on how to bring the system back into harmonious order.

As a living method, my constellation work has continued to evolve over the years. Life areas such as work, health, relationships, personal growth and development are essential topics of the participants in my workshops .

The opportunity to explore a theme in a group nourishes the human need for connection and belonging. The success of this is evidenced by the fact that participants often experience a strong opening of the heart and a sense of connection and equality.


Chakra Constellation Work

The method of chakra constellation that I have developed is based on the fundamental knowledge that we humans are energetic beings. This means that we not only have a body made of bones and muscles, which is supplied by blood circulation and metabolic processes, but that we also have an energetic body consisting of seven main energy centers in our physical body. The centers are called chakras and are located in specific places in the body. The chakras have very specific qualities and are expressions of different areas of life such as life force, relationships, or creative self-expression.

In the chakra constellation work, the participant can experience his or her energy centers and the qualities associated with them. At the same time, disturbances and conflicts of the respective areas of life become visible, which can then be changed through the constellation work.

The result of this work is the experience of wholeness, strength and flow.

If you feel addressed to make a new experience about your own being and there are life issues where you want to develop further, this workshop is right for you.



Even as a boy I liked being in churches. Preferably in catholic churches since I loved the smell of incense they used on religious holidays. When I grew older and became more aware of other people, it became obvious to me that something was missing. I missed liveliness, spontaneity and the real. The rituals were nice but also somehow hollow. This changed when I met teachers on my path who could give rise to ceremonies out of a ritual. After those experiences the feeling of  missing something never showed up inside again. Eventually people came up to me and asked me if I could hold a ceremony for them. Since then I have been holding ceremonies for child baptisms, initiations for teenagers, weddings, funerals, sweat lodges and midsummer. It was always wonderful, exciting, new and enriching for everybody. Angaangagq, a shaman of Greenland, says: “the entire life is a ceremony, celebrate it!”  So I am celebrating with you on demand.


Here you can find the dates of upcoming seminars Current dates you find here.
For individual sessions please contact us. We work in person, via Skype or telephone.
  • ENGLISH READINGSALON via ZOOM Date: Sunday, 15th MayTime: 11AM PCT / 2 PM EST ( 2 hours)Registration: shunya@shunya-meru.deContribution: $ 30.- I am very happy to offer this first ReadingSalon for all e...

  • Counceling is offered by phone, skype and onsite in our office in Bad Wurzach. For appointments call 0049-170-5876854 or mail to meru@shunya-meru.de...

 It is the great blessing of our time that there is the sun
that shines day and night

It is the sun of Grace, Love and Self-realization


For more than 25 years we support people in returning to their natural and harmonious state of being. And yet we do not consider ourselves as the ones who are doing it.


Please contact us, we are happy to hear from you.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Meru Sebastian Seitler

Reischberghalde 10

88410 Bad Wurzach




Schloßstr. 1

88410 Bad Wurzach


Contact Shunya Riesch-Seitler

+49 (0) 1728991847

Contact Meru Sebastian Seitler

Sebastian Seitler
+49 (0) 1705876854

[wpgmza id=”1″]

Please contact us!

About Us

As state-certified alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy with diverse training and further education – and our own path of development – we have a wealth of helpful methods and experiences at our disposal, which we use in individual accompaniment, group work and seminars.
The experience of being much more than two people as a couple is a gift that we also like to pass on in our therapy work with couples.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Clarity and naturalness distinguish me as a medium. My sensitivity and clairvoyance are very pronounced and intensively trained over many years through my work as a medium. I offer sessions in German and English. As a healing practitioner for psychotherapy, I also offer you therapeutically support in your process of growth and development.

Meru Sebastian Seitler

As a state-certified alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, I support you in an acute crisis as well as in your personal development. For this I offer individual work and group seminars.
I am available to companies and organizations as a consultant for professional conflict management.

Our Work

Humans are wonderful complex energetic beings. By giving healing impulse to the energetic body of a human being it is possible to treat trauma, fear, depression, illness and any kind of disharmony.
Modern therapeutic work uses various resources for helping people to get back to their true nature.

READING – a clairvoyant consultation with clear quality


We are all connected to the Divine, to an inner wisdom guiding us. This inner voice is subtle and caring, however, we are not always in touch with it in a clear and ongoing way. When we are under pressure it is easy for us to get out of touch with our inner guidance. We lose our inner strength and feel disoriented and lost. In these situations a reading can be helpful.

Being a medium I have the ability to read your inner voice of wisdom and to make it audible for you. Listening to your own truth being expressed will have a deep impact. You feel reconnected with your own power of perception. The answers you hear make deep sense and you regain clarity and strength. Many clients describe that they feel inwardly cleansed, strengthened and capable of acting as a result of a reading. You can ask questions about all areas of life such as relationships, health and career, but also about your personal development and the spiritual dimension of your life.

READING SALON – Exploring our outer and inner life 

The idea of the Reading Salon originates from Berlin where the cultural, literature and art circles and salons had their height during the 1920ies. Why not  launch a medial salon online?

The Reading Salon is a place to ask personal life questions. Our coming together serves to explore and recognize our outer and inner life. The mystical depth of the Reading Salon lies in the fact that questions of everyday life are viewed and answered from a higher level. A new perspective is opened and the deeper meaning of the situation or challenge is revealed. This allows us to experience how life serves us and that it is by our side right now.

Each Reading Salon is unique, because its content is created by the questions that are asked in this “random” group that evening. The special enrichment for the participant often lies precisely in the questions that are asked by the others. Each answer has the potential to serve all, and so a Reading Salon is a place of shared discovery and learning. This is evident in the amazing sense of connection that can occur in a Reading Salon.

Coming together via Zoom allows people from all parts of the world, but also while traveling, to participate.

My therapeutic work – development instead of entanglement 


In my practice you can expect a compassionate and benevolent atmosphere and the attitude of equality. This is the basis of my work with people.

The concept of “integrative psychotherapy” in connection with systemic and transpersonal aspects describes my methodical approach.

For my counseling this means that I accompany you in the process of liberation from entanglements of origin and the burden of imprinting into your own potential of your natural being.

My qualified training enables me to take a medical history according to the ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Rarely my clients are mentally ill, but are in life conflicts and crises in which it is important to find meaning, to grow and to develop.

From my own life as a human being, husband, partner and father, I know that these processes will occur until the end of my life and that it is not about not having problems anymore, but about finding a stable place within myself that is peaceful, loving and alive.

In my work, your individual needs and possibilities and the necessary therapeutic tools are combined to create a customized support.
It is important to me that through our work you develop learning experiences you can use in your everyday life and that really support you.


I can help you professionally with these issues

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Life crisis
  • Relationship conflict
  • Sexuality
  • Parting, Divorce
  • Loss and grief
  • Spiritual search for meaning
  • Growth and development

CONSTELLATION WORK with Meru Sebastian Seitler



Family Constellation Work

All human beings are born into a pre-existing web of experiences and information from their ancestors. This heritage can have a burdening effect on our lives. For a happy and fulfilled life, we need to leave these conditionings behind. In my view, this is best done through exploration and integration. Systemic work is excellent for this. The group enables the individual to gain deep insights into his or her system and as an experienced constellation leader I have the ability to read a system in such a way that I can give impulses on how to bring the system back into harmonious order.

As a living method, my constellation work has continued to evolve over the years. Life areas such as work, health, relationships, personal growth and development are essential topics of the participants in my workshops .

The opportunity to explore a theme in a group nourishes the human need for connection and belonging. The success of this is evidenced by the fact that participants often experience a strong opening of the heart and a sense of connection and equality.


Chakra Constellation Work

The method of chakra constellation that I have developed is based on the fundamental knowledge that we humans are energetic beings. This means that we not only have a body made of bones and muscles, which is supplied by blood circulation and metabolic processes, but that we also have an energetic body consisting of seven main energy centers in our physical body. The centers are called chakras and are located in specific places in the body. The chakras have very specific qualities and are expressions of different areas of life such as life force, relationships, or creative self-expression.

In the chakra constellation work, the participant can experience his or her energy centers and the qualities associated with them. At the same time, disturbances and conflicts of the respective areas of life become visible, which can then be changed through the constellation work.

The result of this work is the experience of wholeness, strength and flow.

If you feel addressed to make a new experience about your own being and there are life issues where you want to develop further, this workshop is right for you.



Even as a boy I liked being in churches. Preferably in catholic churches since I loved the smell of incense they used on religious holidays. When I grew older and became more aware of other people, it became obvious to me that something was missing. I missed liveliness, spontaneity and the real. The rituals were nice but also somehow hollow. This changed when I met teachers on my path who could give rise to ceremonies out of a ritual. After those experiences the feeling of  missing something never showed up inside again. Eventually people came up to me and asked me if I could hold a ceremony for them. Since then I have been holding ceremonies for child baptisms, initiations for teenagers, weddings, funerals, sweat lodges and midsummer. It was always wonderful, exciting, new and enriching for everybody. Angaangagq, a shaman of Greenland, says: “the entire life is a ceremony, celebrate it!”  So I am celebrating with you on demand.


Here you can find the dates of upcoming seminars Current dates you find here.
For individual sessions please contact us. We work in person, via Skype or telephone.
  • ENGLISH READINGSALON via ZOOM Date: Sunday, 15th MayTime: 11AM PCT / 2 PM EST ( 2 hours)Registration: shunya@shunya-meru.deContribution: $ 30.- I am very happy to offer this first ReadingSalon for all e...

  • Counceling is offered by phone, skype and onsite in our office in Bad Wurzach. For appointments call 0049-170-5876854 or mail to meru@shunya-meru.de...

 It is the great blessing of our time that there is the sun
that shines day and night

It is the sun of Grace, Love and Self-realization


For more than 25 years we support people in returning to their natural and harmonious state of being. And yet we do not consider ourselves as the ones who are doing it.


Please contact us, we are happy to hear from you.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Meru Sebastian Seitler

Reischberghalde 10

88410 Bad Wurzach




Schloßstr. 1

88410 Bad Wurzach


Contact Shunya Riesch-Seitler

+49 (0) 1728991847

Contact Meru Sebastian Seitler

Sebastian Seitler
+49 (0) 1705876854

[wpgmza id=”1″]

Please contact us!

About Us

As state-certified alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy with diverse training and further education – and our own path of development – we have a wealth of helpful methods and experiences at our disposal, which we use in individual accompaniment, group work and seminars.
The experience of being much more than two people as a couple is a gift that we also like to pass on in our therapy work with couples.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Clarity and naturalness distinguish me as a medium. My sensitivity and clairvoyance are very pronounced and intensively trained over many years through my work as a medium. I offer sessions in German and English. As a healing practitioner for psychotherapy, I also offer you therapeutically support in your process of growth and development.

Meru Sebastian Seitler

As a state-certified alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, I support you in an acute crisis as well as in your personal development. For this I offer individual work and group seminars.
I am available to companies and organizations as a consultant for professional conflict management.

Our Work

Humans are wonderful complex energetic beings. By giving healing impulse to the energetic body of a human being it is possible to treat trauma, fear, depression, illness and any kind of disharmony.
Modern therapeutic work uses various resources for helping people to get back to their true nature.

READING – a clairvoyant consultation with clear quality


We are all connected to the Divine, to an inner wisdom guiding us. This inner voice is subtle and caring, however, we are not always in touch with it in a clear and ongoing way. When we are under pressure it is easy for us to get out of touch with our inner guidance. We lose our inner strength and feel disoriented and lost. In these situations a reading can be helpful.

Being a medium I have the ability to read your inner voice of wisdom and to make it audible for you. Listening to your own truth being expressed will have a deep impact. You feel reconnected with your own power of perception. The answers you hear make deep sense and you regain clarity and strength. Many clients describe that they feel inwardly cleansed, strengthened and capable of acting as a result of a reading. You can ask questions about all areas of life such as relationships, health and career, but also about your personal development and the spiritual dimension of your life.

READING SALON – Exploring our outer and inner life 

The idea of the Reading Salon originates from Berlin where the cultural, literature and art circles and salons had their height during the 1920ies. Why not  launch a medial salon online?

The Reading Salon is a place to ask personal life questions. Our coming together serves to explore and recognize our outer and inner life. The mystical depth of the Reading Salon lies in the fact that questions of everyday life are viewed and answered from a higher level. A new perspective is opened and the deeper meaning of the situation or challenge is revealed. This allows us to experience how life serves us and that it is by our side right now.

Each Reading Salon is unique, because its content is created by the questions that are asked in this “random” group that evening. The special enrichment for the participant often lies precisely in the questions that are asked by the others. Each answer has the potential to serve all, and so a Reading Salon is a place of shared discovery and learning. This is evident in the amazing sense of connection that can occur in a Reading Salon.

Coming together via Zoom allows people from all parts of the world, but also while traveling, to participate.

My therapeutic work – development instead of entanglement 


In my practice you can expect a compassionate and benevolent atmosphere and the attitude of equality. This is the basis of my work with people.

The concept of “integrative psychotherapy” in connection with systemic and transpersonal aspects describes my methodical approach.

For my counseling this means that I accompany you in the process of liberation from entanglements of origin and the burden of imprinting into your own potential of your natural being.

My qualified training enables me to take a medical history according to the ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Rarely my clients are mentally ill, but are in life conflicts and crises in which it is important to find meaning, to grow and to develop.

From my own life as a human being, husband, partner and father, I know that these processes will occur until the end of my life and that it is not about not having problems anymore, but about finding a stable place within myself that is peaceful, loving and alive.

In my work, your individual needs and possibilities and the necessary therapeutic tools are combined to create a customized support.
It is important to me that through our work you develop learning experiences you can use in your everyday life and that really support you.


I can help you professionally with these issues

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Life crisis
  • Relationship conflict
  • Sexuality
  • Parting, Divorce
  • Loss and grief
  • Spiritual search for meaning
  • Growth and development

CONSTELLATION WORK with Meru Sebastian Seitler



Family Constellation Work

All human beings are born into a pre-existing web of experiences and information from their ancestors. This heritage can have a burdening effect on our lives. For a happy and fulfilled life, we need to leave these conditionings behind. In my view, this is best done through exploration and integration. Systemic work is excellent for this. The group enables the individual to gain deep insights into his or her system and as an experienced constellation leader I have the ability to read a system in such a way that I can give impulses on how to bring the system back into harmonious order.

As a living method, my constellation work has continued to evolve over the years. Life areas such as work, health, relationships, personal growth and development are essential topics of the participants in my workshops .

The opportunity to explore a theme in a group nourishes the human need for connection and belonging. The success of this is evidenced by the fact that participants often experience a strong opening of the heart and a sense of connection and equality.


Chakra Constellation Work

The method of chakra constellation that I have developed is based on the fundamental knowledge that we humans are energetic beings. This means that we not only have a body made of bones and muscles, which is supplied by blood circulation and metabolic processes, but that we also have an energetic body consisting of seven main energy centers in our physical body. The centers are called chakras and are located in specific places in the body. The chakras have very specific qualities and are expressions of different areas of life such as life force, relationships, or creative self-expression.

In the chakra constellation work, the participant can experience his or her energy centers and the qualities associated with them. At the same time, disturbances and conflicts of the respective areas of life become visible, which can then be changed through the constellation work.

The result of this work is the experience of wholeness, strength and flow.

If you feel addressed to make a new experience about your own being and there are life issues where you want to develop further, this workshop is right for you.



Even as a boy I liked being in churches. Preferably in catholic churches since I loved the smell of incense they used on religious holidays. When I grew older and became more aware of other people, it became obvious to me that something was missing. I missed liveliness, spontaneity and the real. The rituals were nice but also somehow hollow. This changed when I met teachers on my path who could give rise to ceremonies out of a ritual. After those experiences the feeling of  missing something never showed up inside again. Eventually people came up to me and asked me if I could hold a ceremony for them. Since then I have been holding ceremonies for child baptisms, initiations for teenagers, weddings, funerals, sweat lodges and midsummer. It was always wonderful, exciting, new and enriching for everybody. Angaangagq, a shaman of Greenland, says: “the entire life is a ceremony, celebrate it!”  So I am celebrating with you on demand.


Here you can find the dates of upcoming seminars Current dates you find here.
For individual sessions please contact us. We work in person, via Skype or telephone.
  • ENGLISH READINGSALON via ZOOM Date: Sunday, 15th MayTime: 11AM PCT / 2 PM EST ( 2 hours)Registration: shunya@shunya-meru.deContribution: $ 30.- I am very happy to offer this first ReadingSalon for all e...

  • Counceling is offered by phone, skype and onsite in our office in Bad Wurzach. For appointments call 0049-170-5876854 or mail to meru@shunya-meru.de...

 It is the great blessing of our time that there is the sun
that shines day and night

It is the sun of Grace, Love and Self-realization


For more than 25 years we support people in returning to their natural and harmonious state of being. And yet we do not consider ourselves as the ones who are doing it.


Please contact us, we are happy to hear from you.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Meru Sebastian Seitler

Reischberghalde 10

88410 Bad Wurzach




Schloßstr. 1

88410 Bad Wurzach


Contact Shunya Riesch-Seitler

+49 (0) 1728991847

Contact Meru Sebastian Seitler

Sebastian Seitler
+49 (0) 1705876854

[wpgmza id=”1″]

Please contact us!

About Us

As state-certified alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy with diverse training and further education – and our own path of development – we have a wealth of helpful methods and experiences at our disposal, which we use in individual accompaniment, group work and seminars.
The experience of being much more than two people as a couple is a gift that we also like to pass on in our therapy work with couples.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Clarity and naturalness distinguish me as a medium. My sensitivity and clairvoyance are very pronounced and intensively trained over many years through my work as a medium. I offer sessions in German and English. As a healing practitioner for psychotherapy, I also offer you therapeutically support in your process of growth and development.

Meru Sebastian Seitler

As a state-certified alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, I support you in an acute crisis as well as in your personal development. For this I offer individual work and group seminars.
I am available to companies and organizations as a consultant for professional conflict management.

Our Work

Humans are wonderful complex energetic beings. By giving healing impulse to the energetic body of a human being it is possible to treat trauma, fear, depression, illness and any kind of disharmony.
Modern therapeutic work uses various resources for helping people to get back to their true nature.

READING – a clairvoyant consultation with clear quality


We are all connected to the Divine, to an inner wisdom guiding us. This inner voice is subtle and caring, however, we are not always in touch with it in a clear and ongoing way. When we are under pressure it is easy for us to get out of touch with our inner guidance. We lose our inner strength and feel disoriented and lost. In these situations a reading can be helpful.

Being a medium I have the ability to read your inner voice of wisdom and to make it audible for you. Listening to your own truth being expressed will have a deep impact. You feel reconnected with your own power of perception. The answers you hear make deep sense and you regain clarity and strength. Many clients describe that they feel inwardly cleansed, strengthened and capable of acting as a result of a reading. You can ask questions about all areas of life such as relationships, health and career, but also about your personal development and the spiritual dimension of your life.

READING SALON – Exploring our outer and inner life 

The idea of the Reading Salon originates from Berlin where the cultural, literature and art circles and salons had their height during the 1920ies. Why not  launch a medial salon online?

The Reading Salon is a place to ask personal life questions. Our coming together serves to explore and recognize our outer and inner life. The mystical depth of the Reading Salon lies in the fact that questions of everyday life are viewed and answered from a higher level. A new perspective is opened and the deeper meaning of the situation or challenge is revealed. This allows us to experience how life serves us and that it is by our side right now.

Each Reading Salon is unique, because its content is created by the questions that are asked in this “random” group that evening. The special enrichment for the participant often lies precisely in the questions that are asked by the others. Each answer has the potential to serve all, and so a Reading Salon is a place of shared discovery and learning. This is evident in the amazing sense of connection that can occur in a Reading Salon.

Coming together via Zoom allows people from all parts of the world, but also while traveling, to participate.

My therapeutic work – development instead of entanglement 


In my practice you can expect a compassionate and benevolent atmosphere and the attitude of equality. This is the basis of my work with people.

The concept of “integrative psychotherapy” in connection with systemic and transpersonal aspects describes my methodical approach.

For my counseling this means that I accompany you in the process of liberation from entanglements of origin and the burden of imprinting into your own potential of your natural being.

My qualified training enables me to take a medical history according to the ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Rarely my clients are mentally ill, but are in life conflicts and crises in which it is important to find meaning, to grow and to develop.

From my own life as a human being, husband, partner and father, I know that these processes will occur until the end of my life and that it is not about not having problems anymore, but about finding a stable place within myself that is peaceful, loving and alive.

In my work, your individual needs and possibilities and the necessary therapeutic tools are combined to create a customized support.
It is important to me that through our work you develop learning experiences you can use in your everyday life and that really support you.


I can help you professionally with these issues

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Life crisis
  • Relationship conflict
  • Sexuality
  • Parting, Divorce
  • Loss and grief
  • Spiritual search for meaning
  • Growth and development

CONSTELLATION WORK with Meru Sebastian Seitler



Family Constellation Work

All human beings are born into a pre-existing web of experiences and information from their ancestors. This heritage can have a burdening effect on our lives. For a happy and fulfilled life, we need to leave these conditionings behind. In my view, this is best done through exploration and integration. Systemic work is excellent for this. The group enables the individual to gain deep insights into his or her system and as an experienced constellation leader I have the ability to read a system in such a way that I can give impulses on how to bring the system back into harmonious order.

As a living method, my constellation work has continued to evolve over the years. Life areas such as work, health, relationships, personal growth and development are essential topics of the participants in my workshops .

The opportunity to explore a theme in a group nourishes the human need for connection and belonging. The success of this is evidenced by the fact that participants often experience a strong opening of the heart and a sense of connection and equality.


Chakra Constellation Work

The method of chakra constellation that I have developed is based on the fundamental knowledge that we humans are energetic beings. This means that we not only have a body made of bones and muscles, which is supplied by blood circulation and metabolic processes, but that we also have an energetic body consisting of seven main energy centers in our physical body. The centers are called chakras and are located in specific places in the body. The chakras have very specific qualities and are expressions of different areas of life such as life force, relationships, or creative self-expression.

In the chakra constellation work, the participant can experience his or her energy centers and the qualities associated with them. At the same time, disturbances and conflicts of the respective areas of life become visible, which can then be changed through the constellation work.

The result of this work is the experience of wholeness, strength and flow.

If you feel addressed to make a new experience about your own being and there are life issues where you want to develop further, this workshop is right for you.



Even as a boy I liked being in churches. Preferably in catholic churches since I loved the smell of incense they used on religious holidays. When I grew older and became more aware of other people, it became obvious to me that something was missing. I missed liveliness, spontaneity and the real. The rituals were nice but also somehow hollow. This changed when I met teachers on my path who could give rise to ceremonies out of a ritual. After those experiences the feeling of  missing something never showed up inside again. Eventually people came up to me and asked me if I could hold a ceremony for them. Since then I have been holding ceremonies for child baptisms, initiations for teenagers, weddings, funerals, sweat lodges and midsummer. It was always wonderful, exciting, new and enriching for everybody. Angaangagq, a shaman of Greenland, says: “the entire life is a ceremony, celebrate it!”  So I am celebrating with you on demand.


Here you can find the dates of upcoming seminars Current dates you find here.
For individual sessions please contact us. We work in person, via Skype or telephone.
  • ENGLISH READINGSALON via ZOOM Date: Sunday, 15th MayTime: 11AM PCT / 2 PM EST ( 2 hours)Registration: shunya@shunya-meru.deContribution: $ 30.- I am very happy to offer this first ReadingSalon for all e...

  • Counceling is offered by phone, skype and onsite in our office in Bad Wurzach. For appointments call 0049-170-5876854 or mail to meru@shunya-meru.de...

 It is the great blessing of our time that there is the sun
that shines day and night

It is the sun of Grace, Love and Self-realization


For more than 25 years we support people in returning to their natural and harmonious state of being. And yet we do not consider ourselves as the ones who are doing it.


Please contact us, we are happy to hear from you.

Shunya Riesch-Seitler

Meru Sebastian Seitler

Reischberghalde 10

88410 Bad Wurzach




Schloßstr. 1

88410 Bad Wurzach


Contact Shunya Riesch-Seitler

+49 (0) 1728991847

Contact Meru Sebastian Seitler

Sebastian Seitler
+49 (0) 1705876854

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